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 GP247 Speedweeks I - Prototypes (March 5-20)

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Vadim Taciak
François Violet
Mike Becnel
Paul Velasco
Paulo Rodrigues
Vladislav Zenkov
Timo Vermeersch
Frank Verplanken
12 posters
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Paul Velasco
Experienced Driver
Paul Velasco

Number of posts : 260
Age : 63
Location : Berlin
Registration date : 2020-01-01

GP247 Speedweeks I - Prototypes (March 5-20) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: GP247 Speedweeks I - Prototypes (March 5-20)   GP247 Speedweeks I - Prototypes (March 5-20) - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue 24 Mar 2020 - 9:25

Thank you.
I love this guy!
Ben Paulet wrote:
Caution :
Saw a little mistake on your site : "Historic Simraciung Organisation (HSO) using rFactor 2 as the simulator game of choice"
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GP247 Speedweeks I - Prototypes (March 5-20)
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